About me

Watery places are my inspiration.

Art is very important to me. Over the years my creativity has surfaced in different ways: as photographer, as author, and as an artist. But no matter how it comes about, being outside in nature and around water has always been the theme for me.

My name is Cindy Bilbao and I was born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York State close to the Hudson River. While not coastal I did gravitate to bodies of water around my house and the New Jersey beaches which were within driving distance. After marrying, my husband and I moved to a small town in the Berkshires of Massachusetts that I thoroughly loved. It was during this time that I really discovered what coastal New England had to offer! Maine, Cape Ann and Cape Cod and it’s islands became favorite destinations of mine for beach visits. I fell in love with the gray, weathered shingles on the houses, the quaint harbors and fishing villages along the coast. These images are what triggered my desire to get back to the painting that I’d loved when I was younger. Eventually we’d have to pack up and move to Southeastern Pennsylvania. From that vantage point I was back to visiting the New Jersey beaches as well as Delaware and the Outer Banks. All of these coastal locations I loved became locked into my subconscious as places of importance for me. Although I don’t currently live very close to the coast, (I do have to drive a couple of hours), it is always in my mind as being the place that feels most like home. There’s a peacefulness at the beach that is unmatched anywhere else for me. My goal is to paint the way the beach makes me feel so that others can experience that too. Happily, I’ve had people tell me they can smell the salt air when looking at my art!

About my work

I use acrylic paint in varying degrees of abstraction to offer atmospheric paintings of the coast with the intention of eliciting an emotional response from the viewer. I enjoy the interplay between the vast ocean washing upon the shoreline and the large expanse of sky because for me this creates a strong sense of atmosphere and tranquility. I often paint the sky in expressive strokes and layered techniques that I hope will give viewers the enveloping sensation of being in the midst of the dynamic coastal scenes I paint. I also enjoy using watercolor to create soft, tranquil beach scenes.

About Beach Reads

One thing you may be interested to know about me is that I'm a regular contributor to Beachcombing Magazine. As an avid reader I gravitate to books that have something to do with the coast.  When Beachcombing Magazine began (in the beginning it was called Glassing Magazine before it was changed) the editor needed someone to review beach books for a column in the magazine and I enthusiastically accepted the challenge. If your in the mood for a good Beach Read click below for plenty of reading suggestions!

About The Sea Glass Searchers Club

I created SGSC  in 2014 out of my love of beach combing, sea glass and the beach. I was always photographing the treasures that I'd find and there was such joy for me in doing so. Eventually I was offered a publishing deal with Countryman Press for a book about sea glass and then went on to publish two more books. That led me on the adventure of selling my books and other gift items at shows, festivals and online at the Sea Glass Searchers Club website. This time period was so much fun for me and I met so many wonderful people. It fit in well with my schedule while raising my family. As the years past and my kids grew older I found myself spending more time in my studio painting. Painting was always my first love. I decided it was time to create Cindy Joy Studio and devote myself wholeheartedly to painting. You'll find the products I sold on the SGSC website here now at Cindy Joy Studio with the addition of my artwork as well. Thanks so much for visiting!